16 March launch 14 March zoom meeting

11 months 1 week ago #349 by silgan01
Our first launch of the season is coming up on 16 March, set up at 9AM, fly from 10AM to 5PM (weather permitting and flyers flying) and tear down at 5PM. Zoom meeting in support of the launch will be at 7PM on 14 March. Invitation follows:
John Kelley is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: My Meeting
Time: Mar 14, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 868 6006 5228
Passcode: 096903


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Meeting ID: 868 6006 5228
Passcode: 096903

Find your local number: us06web.zoom.us/u/kKcTMTD34

Hope to see you there.

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10 months 4 weeks ago #355 by silgan01
Launch tomorrow is on! Set up 9AM. Launch 10AM to early afternoon.
The following user(s) said Thank You: garydzeb

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10 months 3 weeks ago #356 by silgan01
Well yesterday was our first launch of the season and went well. It was a bit windy and we stopped early as the winds picked up over the thresh hold for launching safely.
There were 16 flights : A 2, B 2, C 1, D 3, F 5, G 2, J 1.
Congratulations to David on his Level 2 certification!
Layla launched her first rocket ever, which landed in a kite eating tree's cousin and was unrecoverable.
Several people brought and flew kites, as it was a great day for kite flying.
Allan brought and demonstrated his compressed air paper rocket launcher.
Thanks to everyone that pitched in on the set up and tear down. It helped things go smoothly.
Thanks to Lee Berry and Merlin Missiles, purveyor of rocket products, wisdom and good cheer!
Thanks to Walt for bringing donuts and water!
Thanks to everyone that came out and had a great time!

Our next launch is coming up on 6 April.


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10 months 3 weeks ago #357 by achoward
Nice day, albeit the wind. Good chats with folks! Really awesome donuts!

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10 months 3 weeks ago #358 by Sebestyen
I couldn't make it out there early due to Work but took a chance and showed up at 1:00  very strong winds and you guys had called it a day by then.  I won't be at the 6th launch but will be at all the others this year I hope.  Maybe Ill see you guys then.

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